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The D. Goodman Treatise

A collection of works on life in South Carolina

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On Revolution

As a nation, and as individual states, we have a lot to learn from the current riots taking place in Minnesota after the death of George...

On Intellectual Property

Since the move to a more digital age, the term “intellectual property” has endured some criticism. There are those who hold the view that...

Tyranny Today

The murder of George Floyd in Minnesota and subsequent protests have raised an interesting question for our county: how should we respond...

No Good Cops

There is no such thing as a good cop. The death of George Floyd in Minnesota highlights a point long debated in this country: why are...

On Law and Morality

The struggle between the law and morality is one that causes great confusion and uncertainty. Often, the law is viewed as a stand in for...

Fear Revealed

What are you willing to sacrifice to fear? What will you give up for a sense of security? Those of us who have grown up in the United...

What does success look like?

What does success look like? You look around today and see the world shutting down indefinitely to flatten the slow the...

Freedom is Fragile

Freedom is fragile. In a time of unparalleled uncertainty, fear and panic have gripped not just our community, our state, but the country...

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